Läubisoft GmbH

Barger Weg 12, 23611 Bad Schwartau


Telephone: 0451 – 88191541

Registry Court: Municipal Court of Lübeck, HRB [Commercial Register, Section B] 12448 HL

VAT ID No.: DE268122450

Managing Director: Christoph Läubrich

Legal Form: Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Responsible Party in accordance with § 55 Para. 2 Media Treaty (Medienstaatsvertrag (MStV)): Christoph Läubrich, Barger Weg 12, 23611 Bad Schwartau.

In accordance with§ 28 German Data Protection Act, I object to any commercial usage and dissemination of my data.

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License-free photos from


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The contents of this web project were carefully examined and created to the best of our knowledge. But, for the information presented herein, no claims are made regarding the completeness, currentness, quality and correctness thereof. No responsibility shall be assumed for any damages which are created through the reliance on the contents of this website or their usage.

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If you suspect that one of your proprietary rights is being violated by this website, please notify us promptly via electronic mail so that remedial action can quickly be taken.

Please keep the following in mind: The more time-consuming deployment of an attorney in order to send a fee-based warning letter to the provider of the contents shall not correspond to his actual or presumed intention.

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By visiting this website, no usage rights are hereby being granted to industrial property rights such as trademarks or patents. Any corresponding usage – particularly a commercial usage – is, in the absence of express written permission, forbidden and shall constitute a violation of the respectively-valid protection laws.

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